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What is the OsteoTest?
OsteoTest is an alternative, complementary method to the DXA procedure for early detection of risk of developing osteoporosis. It measures bone turnover based on calcium turnover.
Osteolabs is the ideal companion for the therapy of osteoporosis. The procedure provides exact measured values for determining bone density. Changes can be recorded and evaluated objectively and scientifically. Used at regular intervals, you as the treating physician receive an overview of all relevant values in the context of osteoporosis therapy. Since the procedure measures values in blood and/or urine, it does not require any radiation exposure.
World innovation from Kiel
The osteolabs measurement procedure
This procedure was developed in a 17-week study by NASA (J. Skulan et al 2007). Based on this, clinical studies were carried out in co-operation with the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital in Kiel (UKSH) and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre. With a sensitivity of 100 %, all previously detected cases of osteoporosis were identified by means of calcium isotope markers (CIM), as expected. In addition, thanks to the newly developed method, other diseased women could also be identified.
Calcium (Ca++) is found in food in different heavy isotopes, e.g. 42Ca or 44Ca. Light Ca isotopes undergo chemical reactions faster than heavy ones and accumulate in the bone at the end of the process.
Because light Ca isotopes react more quickly, light Ca isotopes (42Ca) are predominantly incorporated during bone formation. If more light Ca isotopes are incorporated in the bone, more heavy Ca isotopes (44Ca) remain in the blood/urine. When bone substance is broken down, the reverse happens. More light Ca isotopes are released from the bone into the blood/urine.
The osteolabs measurement method is a world first, because it now makes it possible to diagnose osteoporosis at the onset of postmenopause. The patient thus receives fast and reliable certainty about possible osteoporosis - even long before an X-ray test is carried out.
Evidence based
In cooperation with the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, the GEOMAR - Helmholz Centre, Prof. Eisenhauer and osteolabs GmbH in Kiel and the company CRC Kiel, clinical studies OSTEOGEO (100 postmenopausal women) and "Peak Bone" (30 healthy premenopausal women) were carried out. With a sensitivity of 100%, all osteoporosis patients were detected by means of calcium isotope markers (CIM). As expected, additional osteoporotic women were found (specificity 55%). This can be explained by the detection of calcium loss already in earlier stages and the observation of the entire skeleton.
Advantages compared to DXA bone density measurement

Already in use at:

Sabrina Bergstein

Dr. med. Robert Kipping

Dr. med. Jan Bernholt

Dr. med. Erik Kelter

Prof. Dr. med. Tassilo König

Dr. med. Tanja Sanders

Dr. med. Herbert Sterzik

Dr. med. Daniel Gharaei

Dr. med. Heidrun Flügel

Dr. med. Jochen Hansel